Massage Therapy


Therapeutic massage is a type of massage therapy that focuses on addressing specific health issues or concerns. It involves the manipulation of soft tissues, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia. These techniques promote healing, alleviate pain, reduce muscle tension, and improve overall well-being. Therapeutic massage techniques vary widely and may include Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and others. This type of massage is often used to treat conditions such as chronic pain, injuries, stress-related tension, sports injuries, and certain medical conditions. Therapeutic massage sessions are typically customized to the individual's needs and may involve a combination of techniques to achieve the desired therapeutic outcomes.

Beginning your massage journey.



What exactly are you looking for?

Let’s talk about what you are hoping to accomplish through massage.


Personalized treatment plans.

We will think about who is best suited in the clinic for your needs and goals.



Let’s pick the right therapist for you.

Schedule a consultation with any of our therapists to see if they are the right fit.

Massage Rates

*** All prices include tax

1 hour massage (barely enough) - $105

90 min massage (Just enough) - $136.50

2 hour massage (PURE LUXRUY) - 168.00


My hour massage was absolutely blissful - Danny was thorough, gentle but strong and effective! I came out feeling absolutely amazing, and the experience was so easy and wonderful. I loved and noticed that Danny’s music playing wasn't the typical spa music, but rather some smooth folky music that made me feel relaxed and present in the moment. Overall and wonderful experience brought my boyfriend to see him and he loved Danny as well!